Raw Materials |Pharmaceutical Intermediates Reagents |Immunology |Peptide synteze |Amino acid rige |D-Lysine |CAS: 923-27-3 |C6H14N2O2

Raw Materials |Pharmaceutical Intermediates Reagents |Immunology |Peptide synteze |Amino acid rige |D-Lysine |CAS: 923-27-3 |C6H14N2O2

Koarte beskriuwing:

Profesjonele manufacturing en oanbod biopharmaceutical |Raw Materials |Pharmaceutical Intermediates Reagents |Immunology |Peptide synteze |Amino acid rige |D-Lysine |CAS: 923-27-3 |C6H14N2O2

Produkt Detail

Produktnamme: D-Lysine

Synonimen:D-2,6-DIAMINOHEXANOIC ACID;(R)-2,6-DIAMINOCAPROIC ACID;(R)-2,6-Diaminohexanoic acid;D-LYSINE;D-LYSIN;D-LysineBase;(2R)-2 ,6-diaminohexanoic acid; (R)-Lysine

Molekulêre struktuer:

Molekulêre formule: C6H14N2O2

Molekulêr gewicht: 146,19

CAS-nûmer: 923-27-3

Pakket: Op oanfraach

Foarried: beskikber

Reinheid: ≥98%

Kwaliteitsstandert: In-house standert

Applikaasje: brûkt yn biogemysk ûndersyk, tarieding fan weefsel kultuer medium, en medisinen as amino acid nutritional drugs.

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