Raw Materials |Pharmaceutical Intermediates Reagents |Immunology |Peptide synteze |Natuerlike Amino Acid |N-alfa-Cbz-L-lysine |CAS No.: 204777-78-6

Raw Materials |Pharmaceutical Intermediates Reagents |Immunology |Peptide synteze |Natuerlike Amino Acid |N-alfa-Cbz-L-lysine |CAS No.: 204777-78-6

Koarte beskriuwing:

Profesjonele manufacturing en oanbod biopharmaceutical |Raw Materials |Pharmaceutical Intermediates Reagents |Immunology |Peptide synteze |Natuerlike Amino Acid |N-alfa-Cbz-L-lysine |CAS No.:204777-78-6 |C34H42N2O6

Produkt Detail

Gemyske namme: N-alpha-Cbz-L-lysine

Ingelske Namme: N-alpha-Cbz-L-lysine

Produktnamme: N-alpha-Cbz-L-lysine

Synonimen: n2-[(phenylmethoxy)karbonyl]-l-lysine; Z-LYS-OH; Z-LYSINE; ZL-LYSINE; ZL-LYS-OH; N-CBZ-L-LYSINE; N-CBZ-L-LYSINE -OH;N2-(CARBOBENZYLOKSY)-L-LYSINE

Uterlik: White Solid

Molekulêre struktuer:

Molekulêre formule: C34H42N2O6

Molekulêr gewicht: 574,71

CAS Registry Number: 204777-78-6

Pakket: Op oanfraach

Foarried: beskikber

Reinheid: ≥98%

Opslach: Hâld yn tsjuster plak, inerte sfear, keamertemperatuer

Kwaliteitsstandert: In-house standert

Applikaasje: farmaseutyske intermediates

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