Fmoc-D-leucine 114360-54-2

Fmoc-D-leucine 114360-54-2

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Kev tsim khoom thiab muab biopharmaceutical |Raw Khoom |Pharmaceutical Intermediates Reagents |Immunology |Peptide synthesis |Amino acid series |Fmoc-D-leucine |CAS: 114360-54-2 |C21H23NO4

Product Detail

Khoom npe: Fmoc-D-leucine

Lub npe Askiv: Fmoc-D-leucine

Synonyms: Fmoc-D-Leu-OH;

N-9-Fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl-D-leucine, Fmoc-D-leucine, Fmoc-D-Leu-OH, N-9-Fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl-D-leucine

Qhov tshwm sim:Dawb mus rau dawb hmoov

Molecular Structure:


CAS: 114360-54-2

Cov mis mos molecular: C21H23NO4

Molecular Luj: 353.42

Pob: 20kg / nruas

Tshuag: Muaj

Purity (HPLC):99%

Cia: ntawm qhov chaw txias txias (≤25 ℃)

Txuj kev zoo:Enterprise Standard

Daim Ntawv Thov: Pharmaceutical intermediates

Kev tiv thaiv amino acids thiab Unnatural amino acids

Siv los ua cov khoom noj khoom haus, cov khoom noj tsiaj additive, siv nyob rau hauv hluavtaws API Polypeptide series

1. Tshem tawm qaug zog, tswj lub zog muaj zog thiab txhim kho kev noj qab haus huv

2. Txhim kho kev pw tsaug zog zoo

3. Txhim kho kev tiv thaiv

4. Txhawb nqa kev rov ua haujlwm tom qab


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