4-(2-Dimethylamino)ethoxybenzylamine 20059-73-8

4-(2-Dimethylamino)ethoxybenzylamine 20059-73-8

Deskripsyon kout:

Pwofesyonèl manifakti ak ekipman pou biopharmaceutique |Materyèl kri |Reyaktif famasetik entèmedyè |Endistriyèl API |Dwòg sistèm dijestif |Itopride hydrochloride ak entèmedyè li yo |4-(2-Dimethylamino)ethoxybenzylamine |CAS:20059-73-8 |C11H18N2O

Pwodwi detay

Non pwodwi: 4-(2-Dimethylamino) etoxybenzylamine


Aparans: san koulè a ​​jòn transparan likid

Estrikti molekilè:






Fòmil molekilè: C11H18N2O

Pwa molekilè: 194.27

Nimewo CAS: 20059-73-8

Pake: 200Kg/tanbou

Stock: Disponib

Pite (HPLC): ≥98%

Depo: Kenbe veso a byen fèmen.Sere nan yon kote ki fre, sèk, byen vantile.

Estanda Kalite: Estanda Antrepriz

Kondisyon depo: Kenbe nan kote ki fè nwa, atmosfè inaktif, 2-8 ° C

Aplikasyon: Itopride hydrochloride ak entèmedyè li yo Gastroentestinal prokinetic API

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